The importation of vaping goods is subject to regulation 5A of the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 (PI Regulations).
From 1 January 2024, the import of disposable vapes is prohibited unless the importer holds a licence and permit issued by the Office of Drug Control (ODC) under the PI Regulations.- From 1 March 2024, the import of other vaping goods, including devices, accessories, and substances, will require a licence and permit issued by the ODC.
- Only businesses will be eligible to obtain import licences and permits for vaping goods.
For more information on the notification process and why these changes are taking place, visit the Vaping hub | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), or contact the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
- Importing nicotine vaping goods into Australia
- Importing cannabis vaping goods into Australia
- Importing vaping devices into Australia
Traveller’s exemption
From 1 January 2024, travellers entering Australia can only bring a maximum of 2 disposable vapes with them.
From 1 March 2024, travellers entering Australia can only bring a small quantity of vapes with them. The vapes must be for use in the treatment of the traveller or someone they are caring for, who is entering Australia on the same ship or aircraft.
The maximum allowable quantity is:
- 2 vapes in total (whether disposable or reusable),
- 20 vape accessories (including cartridges, capsules or pods), and
- 200mL of vape substance in liquid form.
Vapes that contain substances that are controlled drugs under regulation 5 of the PI Regulations, such as cannabis oil, are not counted in the above limits. These products remain subject to the existing traveller’s exemption.